Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Cules son las consecuencias de un I-275 en la visa
Si un oficial de Inmigracià ³n de la CBP (Policà a de Fronteras y Aduanas) escribe sobre una visa I-275 e impide el ingreso a Estados Unidos esto es lo que ha tenido lugar: Se permite una retirada de la peticià ³n de ingreso y se produce el regreso inmediato al lugar de origen.La visa queda cancelada formalmente. Cuà ¡nto sucede esta situacià ³n Puede suceder en casos muy distintos, como por ejemplo: La visa ya està ¡ cancelada, pero no formalmente y su titular no lo sabe y por eso vuelve a viajar a Estados Unidos. Por ejemplo, cuando un extranjero se queda mà ¡s tiempo que el permitido la visa queda sin valor automà ¡ticamente pero no se notifica. En estos casos puede que por ignorancia el titular piense que todavà a cuenta con un visado và ¡lido. El oficial de inmigracià ³n en un puerto de entrada (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre) considera que la persona con la visa es inadmisible, viaja con una visa que no es la adecuada para la finalidad de su viaje o cree que la persona tiene intencià ³n de violar las condiciones de la visa. Por ejemplo, trabajar en Estados Unidos cuando no està ¡ autorizado (pero pueden ser razones muy variadas, como quedarse a vivir, casarse con una visa de turista para permanecer en el paà s, etc). Cuà ¡n mala es la situacià ³n en los casos de I-275 (retirada de la peticià ³n de ingreso) El viaje no puede continuar, ya que no se puede ingresar a los Estados Unidos y hay que regresar al paà s de origen. Ademà ¡s la visa queda cancelada. Sin embargo, esta es una buena opcià ³n si se compara con lo otro que puede pasar: expulsià ³n inmediata, que lleva necesariamente un castigo de cinco aà ±os de espera antes de poder volver a aplicar por una visa. Retirada de peticià ³n de ingreso o expulsià ³n automà ¡tica: circunstancias que considera el oficial de Inmigracià ³n de la CBP Permitir que un extranjero realice una retirada de la peticià ³n de ingreso es un poder de decisià ³n que corresponde exclusivamente al oficial de inmigracià ³n. En otras palabras, el extranjero no puede pedirla. A la hora de determinar si brinda a un extranjero la posibilidad de permitirle que retire su peticià ³n de ingreso tiene en consideracià ³n, entre otros, los siguientes factores: Si no se le permite ingresar debido a que es inadmisible, si es posible que esa causa se arregle fà ¡cilmente (por ejemplo, en los casos en los que el problema es que falta algà ºn documento).Si previamente se ha cometido una violacià ³n migratoria, se tiene en cuenta la gravedad de la misma. No se considera igual de grave permanecer en Estados Unidos ilegalmente por mucho tiempo que haberse quedado muy poco y por circunstancias excepcionales. En este à ºltimo caso el oficial de Inmigracià ³n podrà a considerar que la respuesta adecuada es permitir una retirada de la peticià ³n de ingreso.à La intencià ³n del extranjero de violar las leyes migratorias y las condiciones de la visa. Por ejemplo, si se tiene intencià ³n de casarse con un ciudadano y permanecer en EEUU cuando se llega a la frontera con una visa de turista se tendrà ¡ en consideracià ³n si el error es de buena fe y producto de la ignorancia o si hay intencià ³n de violar la ley y cometer un fraude migratori o.Otro caso es si el oficial de Inmigracià ³n considera que hay intencià ³n de trabajar con una visa que no lo permite, etc.La edad y la salud del extranjero y otras consideraciones humanitarias. Casos en los que el oficial de Inmigracià ³n decidirà ¡ siempre expulsià ³n automà ¡tica Cuando se presentan documentos fraudulentos, falsos o de otra persona. Cuando se miente durante la inspeccià ³n migratoria con el fin de ocultar informacià ³n y asà ingresar al paà s.Cuando se ha estado previamente en Estados Unidos y se ha cometido una violacià ³n migratoria grave, como por ejemplo, trabajar ilegalmente o estancias ilegales. Ademà ¡s, si fueronà por un periodo grande de tiempo podrà a aplicar el castigo de los tres o de los diez aà ±os. Quà © hacer despuà ©s de un I-275 No se permite ingresar a Estados Unidos y habrà ¡ que regresarse inmediatamente al paà s de origen.En ese momento la visa està ¡ cancelada Se puede solicitar a la Embajada o Consulado una nueva visa inmediatamente. En este caso llevar toda la documentacià ³n disponible, incluido el formulario I-275, donde se establece cuà ¡l fue la causa por la que no se permitià ³ el ingreso. Tambià ©n llevar la declaracià ³n jurada que se firmà ³ cuando se acordà ³ retirar la peticià ³n de ingreso. Aunque no es necesario es altamente recomendable consultar con un abogado de inmigracià ³n antes de solicitar una nueva visa para asegurarse de que se sabe con exactitud la causa del problema y se resuelve. Por à ºltimo, tener en consideracià ³n que el oficial consular tiene la à ºltima palabra para decidir si aprueba la visa. Se puede solicitar, pero esto no quiere decir que la vayan a aprobar. Esto lo hay que tener en cuenta porque la cuota por la aplicacià ³n no se regresa jamà ¡s, incluidos los casos en los que la visa no es aprobada. A tener en cuenta Una situacià ³n en la que I-275 acabe escrito sobre una visa puede suceder con cualquier clase de visado no inmigrante, no sà ³lo con las de turista, conocidas en algunos paà ses como de paseo o placer. Asimismo, puede pasar con una tarjeta de cruce (visa là ¡ser). Toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la visa de turista para saber lo fundamental de cà ³mo solicitarla y cà ³mo conservarla. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Freddie Mac Ethics - 1107 Words
Freddie Mac is in the home mortgage business. It is their jobs to help low income families find affordable housing. Freddie Mac has been in business since 1970. They were created in order to get more American families in to their own homes. Their mission statement says, ââ¬Å"Our statutory mission is to provide liquidity, stability and affordability to the U.S. housing marketâ⬠(FreddieMac.com, 2014). Despite this honorable mission statement, Freddie Mac was involved in a case of accounting fraud that went on from 1998 to 2002. The lack of ethics at this company started with top brass setting the tone, and the rest of the company following suit. Rather than being sticklers for following GAAP accounting principles and internal controls, thisâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦According to HUD Freddie Mac and Fannie May are both GSEââ¬â¢s, government sponsored enterprises, and in the U.S. they are the two largest providers of home mortgages. They were created primarily to provide loans to underprivileged and lower economic areas. They are not subject to taxes. They do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Securities Exchange Commission. They have direct access to a 2.25 billion line of credit, and their rates are significantly lower than their competitors, because of their government backing, (Housing and Urban Developement, 2001). The reason the company bought these risky loans was because they have a much higher interest rate. Rather than paying 3.53 or 4% interest on a home loan these people were forced to pay almost double that, between 6 and 7%. The conflict of interest arose from the fact that Freddie Mac was the one whom the recipients of these loans had to try to get refinancing from. They did not want to refinance the high interest mortgages into lower interest ones. This caused them to have a conflict of interest. They were not interested in helping people to save their homes because they were making money off the interest. Many people were in need of refinancing, which would effectively pay off the higher interest rate loan and create a new loan with more affordable prices. Freddie Mac refused to help these people out of their mortgages, effectively because theyShow MoreRelatedFraud Case Study1516 Words à |à 7 PagesFreddie Mac Fraud Thanaphan Darnsomboon PME604 Project Financial Management National University December 18, 2012 Freddie Mac Fraud The definition of fraud is ââ¬Å"an intentional deception or deceit, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantageâ⬠(dictionary.com). Fraud is a breach of law and can be punishable by law. 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How has the English language changed over time free essay sample
Over time the English language has developed through three main stages; Old English, Middle English and Modern English. Old English is the earliest recorded stage of the English language and is very different to Modern English which we speak today. Native English speakers would find It very difficult trying to understand Old and Middle English. One of the main Influences In the change of the English language Is invasion. During the 5th century the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes Invaded Britain which all spoke similar languages, resulting In the Old English language. Before the Invasion people In Brltaln spoke a Celtic language. These people travelled north and west when the Invaders arrived. Then In 1066 William the Conqueror and the Normans, conquered England bringing a form of French language with them. This became the language of the Royal Court and generally the upper classes spoke French whilst the lower classes spoke English. We will write a custom essay sample on How has the English language changed over time? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This class dlvlslon continued on until the 14th century when English became the main language once gain. However the English language had been slightly adapted. The recent invasion and conquering gave a French influence and some French words had been added to the English language, therefore creating Middle English. Americanisms are terms or phrases that were original British Shakespearean terms which now are not common phrases in Britain but are still part of the language in America. An example of this is fall for autumn. Spanish has also influenced American English when they settled in the west. This therefore also influenced and changed British English. Due to Americas worldwide power a lot of English words are used in technology, music, television and cinema which is used all over the world. Another main cause to the English language changing over the years is down to technology. Due to a mass illiteracy Old and Middle English was a solely spoken language and was learnt by ear and through festivals. There was a lack of standardisation so a persons dialect or accent would influence the way someone else would hear their words. This was until 1440 when the invention of the printing press standardised English. This made books cheaper which meant more people were able to access them so more people learnt to read. Also most publishing houses were located in London so the dialect of London became the standard and spelling and grammar became fixed. Around 1500 the Great Vowel Shift begun, this led to a dramatic change in pronunciation; where vowels started to be pronounced shorter and shorter. From the 16th century Britain had contact with people from all over the world. This resulted In new words and phrases entering the English language. At one point the British Empire covered one quarter of the world so again foreign words were entered Into the language. Social networking plays a large part In technology and the way people communicate today. It Is easier for people to gain access Into other peoples lives from all over the world and from a whole variety of different cultures and see the words or phrases they use. This makes it easier for people to adopt another cultures language into Colloquialisms also help contribute to our ever changing language. No matter where you go in the world every place has its own certain slang words which can now due to social networking and the media can be taken all across the globe and vice versa. For example, television shows such as The Only Way is Essex is very popular all over the country and some slang words such as reem and Jel which originated from Essex are now spoken all over the country and is even in peoples every day language.
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